
Tactical Operating Environment Sim

The TOE sim utilises a number of modules linked by an intergrid, which allows values from one module to be access by other modules.

mattm's picture

Ready for Battle?

Hunt/Kill simulations are coming, which will give crew the opportunity to get their hands on advanced prototype versons of helm and tactical consoles and run competitive missions against each other as teams.

These simulations will be a great opportunity to get a feel for the way things will work on Endeavour and to log some time on watch. The first sim runs are a few weeks away but supporting training material will start appearing soon, so you'll have time to get up to speed.

mattm's picture

Hunt/Kill Sims Are Coming

With design and prototyping of key vessel systems well advanced, attention is being turned to the skills and training Endeavour’s crew will need to carry out our deep space mission. The most fundamental skills are maneuvering the ship and maintaining full operational awareness of the surrounding space.

EMDAR Detections Module

Electro-Magnetic Direction and Ranging (EMDAR) is a passive sensor technology that detects emissions along the EM spectrum to identify and track other vessels.

Broadband EMDAR

Electromagnetic Direction and Ranging (EMDAR) is a passive sensor technology that detects emissions along the EM spectrum to identify and track other vessels.

NeerajA's picture

Combat Overview

Amongst the tactical reference material that has started appearing on LIAIS is a Combat Overview article which outlines what combat is likely to look like when we get to deep space.

You can read it here: http://crew.isdc.network/liais/tactical/combat-overview-601

I contributed to the article but I think there are some debatable points made. I believe we'll really only get idea of how combat ops will go once simulation runs start (that shouldn't be far away!).

Tactical Operating Environment

The Tactical Operating Environment (TOE) is the area of space surrounding the vessel that requires active management, due to possible navigational hazards or tactical threats.

Combat Overview

Endeavour’s mission is one of exploration and discovery. In an unknown and distant environment however, the vessel must be able to defend itself if needed.

torpedo system

The vessel's primary armament is based around a system of railgun-launched self-guided missiles referred to as torpedoes. 


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