#crew profile

Crew Profiles

Your profile represents you in the ISDC universe. As well as your username, you can add as much or as little to your profile as you choose. You can access your profile at any time by clicking your avatar (profile pic) in the top right of the window whenever you’re logged in.

By clicking the edit tab at the top of your profile, you can add or change details. Once you access the edit screens, you’ll see two new options under the edit tab:

mattm's picture

New Crew Profiles

Four new crew profiles have been added to the ISDC careers site.

Crew profiles provide an insight into different roles throughout the ISDC and are intended to inspire future recruits. They include an overview of the profiled member’s current role and an insight into how they came to join the ISDC.

Crew profiles also provide valuable insights for existing members into the work being undertaken in different areas of the organisation.

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