Hunter/Killer Simulation MVP

Hunter/Killer simulations are simple but challenging exercises that have two teams trying to track down each other within a set area of space. The first team to acquire a firing solution on the other wins. This is a common training and evaluation simulation used by submarines.

The simulations will initially be as simple as possible and then incrementally grow in scope and complexity as new functionality becomes available.

Simulation MVP Scope

The simulation will be portable, capable of being set up wherever two rooms are available. This will allow the simulations to be held in different locations as required.


Each team will be made up of a crew of three:

Captain: Responsible for strategy and directing the mission.

Quartermaster: Operates the helm and maneuvers the vessel.

Tactical Officer: Monitors the EMDAR system looking for contacts that may indicate the position of the other vessel.

The teams will not be assisted by virtual crew at this stage.


The vessel will require two consoles:

Helm: Impulse maneuvering

Tactical: EMDAR monitoring and contact management

Mission Ops Support

The simulations will not require Mission Operations support, as the simulation is simply the two teams tracking each other.

There are no contingent elements required at this stage.

MVP Requirements

Navigation Engine

  1. Display a TOE grid
  2. Position non-maneuvering objects (planets, moons) on it.
  3. Plot the movement of the two participant vessels.

Helm Console

  1. Impulse maneuvering
  2. No power management required


  1. Waterfall displays
  2. Contact management
  3. Narrowband array
  4. Basic vessel emissions profiles


  1. Mentoring structure (division officers)
  2. Subscription management
  3. Video playback

Video Production

  1. Film simulations and related interviews
  2. Edit footage for deliver as on-demand package


  1. Basic navigation training course
  2. Basic EMDAR operation course


  1. Marketing plan for early adopter recruiting

Future Scope/Requirements

The expansion of the MVP scope will be guided by participant response and any issues that are encountered.

Some possible candidates for early scope addition might include:

Live Video Webcast

Allows a wider group to view the simulations.

System Requirements

  1. Internet connectivity from remote venues
  2. Live encoding capability

Virtual Crew

Add the ability for virtual crew to participate as EMDAR operators

System Requirements

  1. VCIS
  2. Live video webcast

Tactical: Weapons

Add the ability to fire torpedoes and defend against incoming fire.

System Requirements

  1. Torpedo system
  2. Weapons direction
  3. Countermeasures system