
Broadband EMDAR

Electromagnetic Direction and Ranging (EMDAR) is a passive sensor technology that detects emissions along the EM spectrum to identify and track other vessels.

Tactical Operating Environment

The Tactical Operating Environment (TOE) is the area of space surrounding the vessel that requires active management, due to possible navigational hazards or tactical threats.

FTL Navigation

Superluminal navigation involves relativistic faster-than-light travel, enabling transit between star systems within hours or days.

Combat Overview

Endeavour’s mission is one of exploration and discovery. In an unknown and distant environment however, the vessel must be able to defend itself if needed.

Impulse Navigation

Impulse navigation occurs at subluminal speeds up to a maximum of 0.2C (one-fifth the speed of light). This navigation mode is where encounters with other vessels are most likely and where most tactical operations will occur.

Impulse Navigation Simulation

Impulse navigation occurs atsubluminal speeds up to a maximum of around 0.2C (one-fifth the speed of light). This navigation mode is where encounters with other vessels are most likely and where most tactical operations will occur.

Vessel Orientation

Vessel orientation determines where other objects are positioned relative to the vessel’s current heading. This is an important consideration for a number of operational areas as it indicates which parts of the vessel are facing an object.

Engineering Systems

This is a placeholder portal page for engineering simulation systems, such as PDN, environmental, spaceframe.

Virtual Crew

This is a placeholder for the Virtual Crew Interaction System (VICS)

Impulse Maneuvering

Impulse maneuvering uses the main engines to control acceleration, speed and heading.


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