Uniform Insignia

Insignia provides information about the wearer's qualifications and service type.

Service Insignia

Service insignia provides information about the wearer's service seniority. The most senior entitlement is worn on uniform.

Common Service

Entitlement to wear this insignia is granted on completion of common training, for both officers and crew.

Service Aboard

Entitlement to wear this insginia is granted with the completion of the service aboard requirements for the wearer's branch, for both officers and crew.


Entitlement to wear this insignia is granted on taking a command position. The command ashore variant is worn if the wearer has not completed service aboard requirements at any point (for example where the command is based planetside, such as program leadership or base/dockyard command).

Qualification Insignia

Qualification insignia provides information about the wearer's level of qualification within their specialisation. Officers wear qualification insignia in badge form only, directly above their branch badge.

Advanced Qualification

Entitlement to wear this insignia is granted on attaining an advanced qualification for a rated system.

Master Qualification

Entitlement to wear this insignia is granted on attaining an master qualification for a rated system.

Officer Branch Insignia

Officers wear a badge designating their branch. Only technically specialised branches (engineering, science and medical) are recognised - line officers represent all other operational branches.

Warrant Officer Insignia

In place of branch insignia, warrant officers wear the warrant officer badge.