Deck four contains officers' quarters and the vessel's medical facility.
Crew accommodation configured for officers make up the bulk of the secondary space on this deck, including quarters for the commanding officer and executive officers.
Forward of the firewall is the wradroom, a formal space used for official and diplomatic meetings, functions and dining.
The wardroom includes a smll kitrchen used to heat and present food previously prepared in the galley.
The vessel's medical facility is located in the aft section of the citadel.
This facility includes a triage area and two examination tables. A medical imaging system provides a number of scan types including magnetic resonance (MRI).
A secure space containing a range of pharmaceuticals.
An operating theatre supports most surgical requirements.
Up to three patients can be supported on a regular ward, with two more in an intensive care unit.
Two isolation rooms with independently configurable environmental conditions.
A laboratory provides support for a range of medical requirements. An isolation lab proivides support for working with dangerous or contagious substances or samples.