Interface Designs
mattm's picture
Posted on:
Thursday, December 6, 2018 - 12:25

How do Endeavour's consoles stack up?I've just seen an article which showcases some very cool console interfaces designed for the new sci-fi show Nightflyers. Of course being sci-fi these designs don't actually have to work, just hint at underlying functionality and otherwise look cool.

By comparison, the console designs for Endeavour have to actually work as well as look good. The VC2MS system needs to strike a balance between being intuitive to use and being able to control complex processes. You can see some examples of the console modules that have been delivered so far including the all-purpose radial monitor, the multi-function navigation radial for the helm and specialist tactical modules including EMDAR waterfall displays and the contact board

These have a very functional focus and so look a lot simpler than the Nightflyer examples, but when we begin delivering scientific analysis interfaces at later stages in the system delivery forecast then things will become more complex.
