Encounter at P3M-F53T Part 2
mattm's picture
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Friday, June 11, 2021 - 16:51

The much anticipated second part to tactical officer Neeraj Anahira's blog about his experience in a hunt/kill simulation has been released.

In the first part, he described the 'hunt' phase of the sim - locating his opponent and securing an EMDAR track, which is used to target torpedoes. He'll be depending on that track for the second 'kill' phase, which involves firing on and hitting his opponent with a torpedo.

What makes this blog interesting is its exploration of tactics and strategy, which are in a formative stage as crew begin spending time in the simulator and discovering what works - and what doesn't.

Take a look and see what you think. How well did Neeraj do? What mistakes did his opponent make? How would you handle the sim differently?

Once you've figured that out, book some time in the sim and find out if you were right!
